Jacques Lévy

Professeur de géographie et d’aménagement de l’espace à l’École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, où il est directeur du Laboratoire Chôros et co-directeur du Collège des humanités, il travaille sur la ville et l’urbanité, la géographie politique, l’Europe et la mondialisation, les théories de l’espace de l’individu et des sociétés, l’épistémologie de la géographie et des sciences sociales, la cartographie, l’urbanisme et le développement spatial. Il a notamment publié Géographies du politique (dir.), 1991 ; Le monde. Espaces et systèmes, 1992, avec M.-F. Durand et D. Retaillé ; L’espace légitime, 1994 ; Egogéographies, 1995 ; Le monde pour Cité, 1996 ; Europe. Une géographie, 1997 ; Le tournant géographique, 1999 ; Logiques de l’espace, esprit des lieux (dir.), 2000, avec M. Lussault ; From Geopolitics to Global Politics (dir.), 2001 ; Dictionnaire de la géographie et de l’espace des sociétés (dir.), 2003, avec M. Lussault ; Les sens du mouvement (dir.), 2005, avec S. Allemand et F. Ascher ; Milton Santos, philosophe du mondial, citoyen du local, 2007 ; L’invention du Monde (dir.), 2008. Il est co-directeur d’EspacesTemps.net (jacques.levy@epfl.ch).


Jacques LévyOlivier Lazzarotti et Xavier Bernier | 01.12.2021

This work experiments with writing constructed by a combination and assembly of cut-out images. The discourse produced is based on a new visual grammar and seeks to show how space is broken up in order to be recomposed. To give substance to this project, a work of expression through images is proposed through a photograph of a district of Tokyo (Japan) likely to allow a kaleidoscopic writing and reading of an urban crossing. [...]

Là-haut, sur la montagne…

Ces morts qui nous habitent.

Jacques LévyOlivier Lazzarotti et Xavier Bernier | 01.11.2021

The presence of Freda Josephine McDonald at the Pantheon, France's national necropolis, does not only question the memories attached to each person buried here. It questions the role of the state and that of society as a whole in memorization processes. In addition, as an atypical and unique inhabitant of the place, Joséphine Baker reports significant changes in the choice of the figures honored here. [...]

Rire, en sept leçons.

Pour débutants avancés.

Xavier BernierOlivier Lazzarotti et Jacques Lévy | 01.10.2021

Laughing is a tiny act, but not only. These seven lessons for « advanced beginners » show that models of society and politics are pervasively present in laughing practices and ethics. Moreover, as spontaneous as it may be, laughter has much to do with reflexivity and provides a major contribution in this regard. [...]

Tous touricistes !

Ailleurs ? C’est ici.

Jacques LévyOlivier Lazzarotti et Xavier Bernier | 01.09.2021

Staycation is a concept that aims to define new vacation practices from home. This work questions them in the context of a form of reinvention of tourism in connection with the Covid-19 crisis. How to consider in the space of societies what it is suggested to call tourheresm (tour-here-sm) and tourherecists (tour-here-sts)? [...]

Ouvroir de science potentielle.

Prénoms propres, nom commun.

Xavier BernierOlivier Lazzarotti et Jacques Lévy | 01.06.2021

Based on three people who have nothing in common but sharing the same surname, the text describes their possible links and formulates interpretative conclusions which put them into perspective. Beyond that, however, the main question of this ‘workroom-of potential-science’ experiment is whether it is possible to draw scientific conclusions from a corpus chosen on non-scientific criteria. [...]

Au poil !

De bonnes raisons pour se faire des cheveux

Xavier BernierOlivier Lazzarotti et Jacques Lévy | 30.04.2021

Human hairs are easy to lay out and are strongly mobilised in the social presentation of selves. They have their own language, including synonyms, homonyms, and oxymorons. For a long time, they acted as formidable markers of communal allegiance. They are gradually becoming resources for individuals’ body freedom. [...]

Erreur de navigation en votre (dé)faveur.

Qui métrise quoi ?

Xavier BernierOlivier Lazzarotti et Jacques Lévy | 01.04.2021

The widespread use of GPS in route planners has opened the field to new relationships with mobility practices. It sometimes leads to mistakes, comical or tragic. This raises the question of our ability to integrate these new technologies without becoming "geographically challenged". This is not an abandonment of competence, but a temporary and agreed delegation of our own metrics. [...]

Nôtres Dames. Un chantier des mémoires

Xavier BernierOlivier Lazzarotti et Jacques Lévy | 01.03.2021

The fire at Notre-Dame, during the night of 15 to 16 April 2019, opened the site for its reconstruction. It also freed up words and debate around the various projects presented. As none of them can be understood only in terms of technical solutions, we must ask ourselves what are the meanings and political implications of the proposals. Even more so those of the solution chosen. [...]

Cueillir les chasseurs, chasser les cueilleurs ? L’humanité face à ses natures.

Xavier BernierOlivier Lazzarotti et Jacques Lévy | 01.02.2021

An active conflict between those who aim at protecting threatened species and those who advocate for taking care of fragile societies is taking place in African forests and, beyond, in the World. This controversy seems intractable as long as stakeholders stick to antithetical moral injunctions. Dialog pathways can be paved if an ethical debate open to all inhabitants-citizens are be invited can start. [...]

Covid cherche cospatialité Peer review

Modèles géographiques pour un événement hybride

Jacques Lévy et Sébastien Piantoni | 05.01.2021

In a pandemic, hybrid mechanisms emerge and the social world that results of them is not easy to decipher. It is all the truer in the case of the SARS-CoV-2, we still don’t know everything about. This paper tries to identify and analyse the geographies of urbanity of states. It questions the relationships between the multiple spatial layers that manufacture this troublesome co-spatiality. [...]