Michel Picard

Michel Picard est chercheur au Cnrs et membre du Centre Asie du Sud-Est (Cnrs-Ehess) à Paris. Ses recherches portent sur le tourisme ainsi que sur la société balinaise. Il est l’auteur de Bali. Tourisme culturel et culture touristique (1992), et il a codirigé notamment Tourism, Ethnicity, and the State in Asian and Pacific Societies (1997), ainsi que Tourisme et sociétés locales en Asie orientale (2001). Il travaille actuellement sur la construction dialogique d’une identité balinaise, en mettant l’accent sur les relations entre religion, tradition et culture.

Bali: the discourse of Cultural Tourism.

Michel Picard, Bali. Cultural Tourism and Touristic Culture, 1996.

Michel Picard | 08.04.2010

This interaction between touristification and Indonesianization is legible in the discourse of Cultural Tourism. As we have seen, perhaps because it could not really be implemented, the slogan of Cultural Tourism gave way to a remarkable profusion of discourses and incited genuine fervor in Balinese public opinion. But it would be wrong to see this [...]

Bali: the development of international tourism and the fostering of the national culture.

Michel Picard, Bali. Cultural Tourism and Touristic Culture, 1996.

Michel Picard | 08.04.2010

Once Cultural Tourism became the official tourism doctrine of Indonesia, the Balinese infatuation with this formula seems to have become more tempered. Since the 1970s, studies of the sociocultural impact of tourism and seminars on the relationship between tourism and culture are rarer. Not that interest in tourism has dropped — to the contrary — [...]