Dario Rodighiero

Dario Rodighiero is a postdoctoral associate at MIT Comparative Media Studies and a research affiliate at EPFL Digital Humanities Laboratory. The Swiss National Science Foundation is currently funding his position. He combines humanities and technology through design by working on different projects related to architecture, art, computer science, data visualization, graphic design, human geography, museology, philosophy, and science and technology studies. Currently Dario maps the academic dynamics by tackling the problem at different scales. After the publication of the Affinity Map⁠ (1), he is currently working on the MIT cartography and a global map of research using the ORCID data. With this regard, he is interested in the intimate relationship between data visualization and its readers, and in transforming these visualization into a service for scholarly mobility. Dario attended the program of Architecture and Sciences of the City, receiving a PhD from EPFL. His doctorate was advised by professors Frédéric Kaplan and Boris Beaude, while the dean Marilyne Andersen financed his studies. Formerly he joined the Médialab of Sciences Po led by Prof. Bruno Latour, has been a scientist at the European Commission, and a research assistant at the University of Milano-Bicocca. (1) Affinity Map is available at https://affinitymap.epfl.ch

Self-Recognition in Data Visualization. Peer review

How Individuals See Themselves in Visual Representations.

Dario Rodighiero et Loup Cellard | 08.08.2019

This article explores how readers recognize their personal identities represented through data visualizations. The recognition is investigated starting from three definitions captured by the philosopher Paul Ricœur : the identification with the visualization, the recognition of someone in the visualization, and the mutual recognition that happens between readers. Whereas these notions were initially applied to study the role of the book reader, two further concepts complete the shift to data visualization : the digital identity stays for the present-day [...]