Jean-Philippe Fouquet

Jean-Philippe Fouquet has a PhD in Sociology and is a research engineer, co-director of the CETU ETIcS since its creation in 2007. He is a researcher associated with the laboratory CITERES (UMR-CNRS 7324) at the University François Rabelais of Tours. His first training was as a sociologist of work, he is very interested in the theme of changes, of practices and ways of life, mobility, notably in the context of re-compositions and/or legal injunctions linked to environmental and energy issues. Doing his research inside private, public, and professional spheres, he is interested in the social impacts of implementing transformations, the identification of factors favorable and unfavorable for acceptability or, for the latter, the conditions needed to remove them.

Les changements de modes de déplacement dans le périurbain.

Des processus d’expérimentation longs, incertains et déstabilisants.

Nicolas OppenchaimJean-Philippe Fouquet et Baptiste Pourtau | 02.03.2017

This paper aims to better understand the commuting practices of suburban inhabitants, especially the shift from individual automobile to alternative forms of mobility. More specifically, it underlines two main elements of the modal change process : on the first hand, a long and uncertain experimentation process of automobile alternatives, which often consists either in back and forth behaviors or hybridization between several travel modes ; on the other hand, along this experimentation process, individuals find out that such a [...]