Joëlle Le Marec

Joëlle Le Marec is a professor in information and communication sciences. She copilots one of the research axes of GRIPIC, Paris 4 Sorbonne (CELSA). She has directed and led research in museology and science studies within different teams, at the ENS in Lyon (C2SO, Center Norbert Elias), in Paris Diderot (CERILAC), and henceforth in Paris 4 (CELSA). Her works focus on communication practices in research (especially in surveys and cultural institutions related to scholarly communities, such as museums and libraries) and on the relations that the public maintains with knowledge. She has published several books and articles on the relations between the public and scholarly institutions, and on discourses about science and scientificity.

Effets de terrain. Peer review

Anne Doquet et Joëlle Le Marec | 14.09.2017

What kind of knowledge do we produce in the social sciences ? The problem is constantly discussed, mostly from a review of the literature (after all stages of academic refining) more than by sharing what is learned from the survey. However, it can be reconsidered not as a technical stage of collection, but as an open process that begins well before and continues well after the phase described in theses and articles as the space-time reserved for the study area. [...]