Sébastien Fevry

Sébastien Fevry, a professor at the School of Communication of the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL, Belgium), works in the field of Memory Studies, with a special focus on cinema and image. He has recently co-edited a collection of articles on the images of the Apocalypse in cinema (2012). His latest book, La comédie cinématographique à l’épreuve de l’Histoire, was published by L’Harmattan in 2012. He is also the author of numerous articles in journals such as Image & Narrative, Revista de Estudios Globales y Arte Contemporáneo and Cahiers Mémoire et Politique.

Calais comme lieu d’entre-mémoire.

Opérativité du cinéma documentaire dans les films de Marc Isaacs et de Henri-François Imbert.

Sébastien Fevry | 08.12.2015

This paper examines how documentary cinema portrays the situation of refugees who are stranded in Calais. More precisely, its purpose is to show that one of the creative possibilities of documentary film consists in transforming a “non-lieu” such as the Sangatte camp into a “lieu d’entre-mémoire” that interconnects recollections and testimonies that belong to different temporal strata. To go further, this article develops a compared analysis between Marc Isaacs’ documentary Calais: The Last Border (2003) and Henri-François Imbert’s film [...]