Sylvain Villaret

Sylvain Villaret is a PhD and associate professor at Le Mans University. He’s a member of the TEMOS - CNRS laboratory. He has published books on naturism and on sports press, together with a number of articles on physical education in 19th and 20th centuries. His current research focuses on the history of the municipal sports policies.

La lutte pour l’instauration de nouvelles normes corporelles. Peer review

Le cas des mouvements naturistes en France (du 19e siècle aux années 30).

Sylvain Villaret | 15.08.2019

Naturism is based on the practice of collective nudity. That’s why it has long appeared to be part of a deviance, of an abnormality. In the 19th century, as in the beginning of the 20th century, the pioneers of naturism are aware of transgressing social norms, with the judicial risks involved. From these remarks, we will examine, from an historical perspective, the factors that determined the emergence of these bodily practices deemed deviant, but also their diffusion and their [...]