illustration : Books


The Books heading gathers critical reviews of selected social-sciences books.

Des ignorants qui s’ignorent ?

Corbin Alain. 2020. Terra Incognita. Une histoire de l’ignorance, XVIIIe-XIXe siècle. Paris : Albin Michel.

Olivier Lazzarotti | 17.03.2021

By the originality of the theme and the approach, the work covering the period 1755-1900, is indeed that of Alain Corbin. Passing the discussions on the notion of ignorance, it opens up to both fundamental and contemporary questions on human interrelationships as well as the predictability of the world. [...]

Risques et promesses des saturations.

Une nouvelle notion pour penser les dynamiques urbaines en sciences sociales

Margaux Vigne | 08.03.2021

Our lifestyles and the urban spaces in which we operate are the theater for the development of multiple and increasing forms of saturation. The texts gathered in this book search to identify, describe and analyze these phenomena, both spatial and temporal or social. Broadly, the challenge of this book is to make saturations a new field of research in social sciences. The challenge has been taken in the sense that, despite the own limits of the book, it shows [...]

Études sur l’imaginaire, l’économie et la géopolitique.

Christophe Premat | 18.02.2021

The eighth volume of Castoriadis’ political writings sheds light on the relationship between economy and imaginary. By carrying out an accurate editorial work, Enrique Escobar, Myrto Gondicas and Pascal Vernay extracted comments, notes and texts from the archives of Castoriadis that help the reader to understand better Castoriadis’ views on the economy of capitalism and on Marx’ theses in the Capital. The second part of the volume brings together the geopolitical analyzes of Castoriadis on global capitalism. [...]

Quelques éclairages nouveaux sur les migrations africaines.

Christian Bouquet | 20.11.2020

Ces deux volumes sont le fruit de quatre ateliers tenus entre 2015 et 2017 à Ouidah (Benin), à Ota (Nigeria), à Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso) et à Niamey (Niger), à l’initiative principale du LASDEL (Laboratoire d’Études et de Recherches sur les Dynamiques sociales et le Développement local), dont les travaux africanistes font autorité depuis sa fondation en 2001 dans ses implantations du Benin et du Niger. [...]

Une famille, entre habitants et cohabitants.

À propos d’une proposition : rythmologie de la mobilité.

Olivier Lazzarotti | 05.12.2019

Guillaume Drevon's book addresses the issue of daily mobility. This question allows him to experiment with some methodological approaches, in particular those based on the study of rhythms, « rhythmology ». [...]

Du travail de l’histoire à la professionnalisation de la raison.

Anheim, Étienne. 2018. Le travail de l’histoire. Paris : Éditions de la Sorbonne, coll. « Itinéraires ».

Hugo Steinmetz | 15.11.2019

Etienne Anheim’s book is the published version of the synthesis thesis constituting his authorization to direct research, supported in 2015. By questioning the historian’s profession in the continuity of Marc Bloch’s work, the author skilfully raises the question of the professional practice of history, the conditions of its teaching and its influence beyond the spheres of research. [...]

Vers un nouveau « régime de consommation » ?

Daumas, Jean-Claude. 2018. La révolution matérielle. Une histoire de la consommation. France, XIXe-XXIe siècle. Paris : Flammarion.

Corinne Delmas | 06.09.2019

What is consumption ? How to write its history ? Who consumes what in France ? In what way ? Can we speak of a vast democratization movement ? La révolution matérielle. Une histoire de la consommation deals with all these questions. Jean-Claude Daumas gives us an epic account covering three centuries of national, economic, social and also material history. Distinguishing five periods, he evokes the evolution of the "world of goods" and their consumption from the middle of [...]

Gigantomachie autour de l’universel.

La pensée occidentale à l’épreuve de la critique décoloniale.

François Warin | 01.08.2019

En quête d’Afrique(s). The difference highlighted by the alternative naming of the African continent as "Africa" or "Africas" – singular or plural – announces the depth of the dispute between our two authors : the philosopher and the anthropologist, the Black and the White, the African and the « Jew »… and sheds light on the extent to which universalism needs to be reinvented. In a sort of a gigantomachy around the matter of universalism, SBD and JLA dialogue [...]

Entre capacité de nuisance et facultés de réinvention du monde.

Badie, Bertrand. Quand le Sud réinvente le monde. Essai sur la puissance de la faiblesse. Paris : La Découverte.

Gérard Martial Amougou | 26.07.2019

A major factor in the current turbulence of global society, the power of weakness would undermine the realistic reading of international relations. The failure of the Westphalian model would give way to the emergence of new forms of self-assertion and conflictualism by the South. However, it seems that the reinvention of the international system advocated by Badie still requires a closer contextualization of the South, in order to better support the notion of the power of weakness. [...]

Produire les communs à travers l’histoire.

Graber, Frédéric et Fabien Locher. 2018. Posséder la nature. Environnement et propriété dans l’histoire. Paris : Éditions Amsterdam.

Pierre-Mathieu Le Bel | 11.07.2019

The environmental and societal problems that humanity faces seem to emphasize always more emphatically the contradictory character of property as an act of exclusion and domination, if one is to respond to challenges of equity and mutual aid. On the contrary, it is important to try to make property coherent with a spirit of cohabitation. Posséder la nature adopts this aim. It offers a selection of articles or chapters unpublished in French, chosen on the basis of their stance [...]