
L'ensemble des articles ayant pour mot clé : democracy

Faire la queue…

Patience et politique.

Jacques LévyOlivier Lazzarotti et Xavier Bernier | 01.06.2022

Queuing: although the expressions for it vary, the practice is probably one of the most widely shared experiences. However, it is far from being trivial. The observation of this singular experience, which plays with everyone's patience, speaks of cohabitation, and therefore of politics. [...]

La Covid-19 ou le retour de l’État social ?

Robert Boyer. 2020. Les capitalismes à l’épreuve de la pandémie. Paris : La Découverte.

Michel Carrard | 08.02.2022

In this book published in 2020, Robert Boyer keeps a diary of the Covid-19 pandemic in order to make its effects on societies intelligible. The author emphasizes that the pandemic has completely overturned the dogmas erected for several decades by liberal economists. It has accelerated the transformation of capitalism by reinforcing the opposition between a transnational platform capitalism and a state-driven capitalism. Moreover, the pandemic sheds a harsh light on the weaknesses of the European Union. The book concludes [...]

L’événement anthropocène.

Hervé Regnauld | 22.02.2017

Today’s sciences are used to deal with novelty by two principal ways. First, they may take it as a new step in the evolution of a system. Second, they may consider that a novelty is “new” enough, and therefore that a new set of paradigms should be integrated in the today’s scientific theories. It is extremely rare that an event occurs and is “unthinkable” by sciences. Though, today it seems that the political idea of Anthropocene is an event [...]

Plus de biodiversité pour plus de démocratie.

Larrère, Catherine et Raphaël Larrère. 2015. Penser et agir avec la nature. Une enquête philosophique. Paris : La Découverte.

Alexandra Borsari | 10.11.2015

Penser et agir avec la nature consists in the last development of Catherine and Raphaël Larrère’s reflection on the relationship between humankind and nature, and the way we can share the same world. With this book, they call for a new political ecology, rebuilt thanks to the core concept of “biodiversity”. Acting as a synthesis of the path the authors have taken since their reference book, Du bon usage de la nature (1997), this work insists on the importance [...]

Performing Democracy.

John Parkinson, Democracy and Public Space : the physical sites of democratic performance, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012.

Patsy Healey | 10.12.2012

John Parkinson argues in his new book, Democracy and Public Space, that the physicality of public spaces matters for the quality of democracies. Drawing on deliberative democracy ideas, he shows why and how this physicality is important to the quality of democratic practices. He draws on studies of eleven capital cities from around the world. He is particularly interested in the staging and setting of democratic life. He identifies four roles which these public spaces play : as stages [...]