
L'ensemble des articles ayant pour mot clé : Individu

Au poil !

De bonnes raisons pour se faire des cheveux

Xavier BernierOlivier Lazzarotti et Jacques Lévy | 30.04.2021

Human hairs are easy to lay out and are strongly mobilised in the social presentation of selves. They have their own language, including synonyms, homonyms, and oxymorons. For a long time, they acted as formidable markers of communal allegiance. They are gradually becoming resources for individuals’ body freedom. [...]

Sextinction ?

Xavier BernierOlivier Lazzarotti et Jacques Lévy | 01.05.2020

Is there a ‘sextinction’ in progress? The recent observation that sexual practices are experiencing a reduction among the younger generation deserves a close scrutiny. Paradoxically, the liberation from constraints and taboos that had impacted sexuality has eventually made possible its relativization with regard to other activities. As a language, ethic, and culture, sex is being reinvented within the moving picture of social life. [...]

Rawls reloaded. De la justice à la justice spatiale.

Lévy, Jacques, Fauchille, Jean-Nicolas, Póvoas, Ana. 2018. Théorie de la justice spatiale. Géographies du juste et de l’injuste. Paris : Odile Jacob.

Mélanie Le Guen | 15.12.2018

This review of the book Théorie de la justice spatiale. Géographies du juste et de l’injuste attempts to identify some of the workings of the writing exercise that such a volume stands for. This six-hands work uses interviews conducted in France, Switzerland and Portugal to show that individuals are able to reflect space-justice interactions and express their own conceptions of justice, based on their experiences as inhabitants. It seriously deals with contemporary concerns, yet it does not resort to [...]