
L'ensemble des articles ayant pour mot clé : justice

Cueillir les chasseurs, chasser les cueilleurs ? L’humanité face à ses natures.

Xavier BernierOlivier Lazzarotti et Jacques Lévy | 01.02.2021

An active conflict between those who aim at protecting threatened species and those who advocate for taking care of fragile societies is taking place in African forests and, beyond, in the World. This controversy seems intractable as long as stakeholders stick to antithetical moral injunctions. Dialog pathways can be paved if an ethical debate open to all inhabitants-citizens are be invited can start. [...]

Spatial Justice

Jean-Nicolas Fauchille | 20.03.2020

Une société juste. La réunion des termes justice et espace ne va pas de soi. En effet, les théories de la justice a-spatiales étaient considérées jusqu’à présent comme les seules auxquelles on avait recours pour répondre à la question : qu’est-ce qu’une société juste ? Savoir ce qu’est un espace juste ne faisait pour ainsi dire pas [...]

La justice spatiale prend place. Peer review

Jacques LévyAna Póvoas et Jean-Nicolas Fauchille | 23.01.2020

The book Théorie de la justice spatiale (2018) was published shortly before the outbreak of the political action of the Yellow Vests. The importance of the connections between space and justice in the public debate that followed shows that the spatial dimension of social life is now perceived in France as a component which cannot be reduced to others, more classic, like the economic and political dimensions. The concepts useful to think such a dimension, that the book advances, [...]

Une genèse politique de l’antéprédicatif ? Retour sur voile d’ignorance de John Rawls. Peer review

Philippe Rozin | 10.10.2019

In this paper we propose to examine the idea of the veil of ignorance developed in John Rawls’s Theory of Justice. Rawls has shown a particular interest in the notion of denial of interest, or social unconsciousness, largely at the base of the veil of ignorance. While the veil of ignorance tends to eliminate sources of disagreement reflecting self-interest, the extension of justice in the social development of individuals in time is far from being completely elucidated. We discuss [...]