
L'ensemble des articles ayant pour mot clé : knowledge

Des ignorants qui s’ignorent ?

Corbin Alain. 2020. Terra Incognita. Une histoire de l’ignorance, XVIIIe-XIXe siècle. Paris : Albin Michel.

Olivier Lazzarotti | 17.03.2021

By the originality of the theme and the approach, the work covering the period 1755-1900, is indeed that of Alain Corbin. Passing the discussions on the notion of ignorance, it opens up to both fundamental and contemporary questions on human interrelationships as well as the predictability of the world. [...]

Connaissances par proximité et rénovation urbaine. Peer review

Bianca BoteaLaëtitia Mongeard et Lise Serra | 08.11.2019

This traversal proposes a multidisciplinary analysis of urban transformations and, in particular, urban renewal from the perspective of the production of knowledge by proximity or familiarity. We want to look at urban renewal as a space of resources, links, actions, categories and cognitive universes in which the researcher participates alongside other field actors. This perspective of analysis, which places the researcher amidst people on the ground, is almost absent from studies on urban renewal in France, despite the profusion [...]

Les Hirak au Maroc : Faut-il un nouveau regard ?

Khalid Mouna | 14.09.2018

Morocco has known, since 2011, a social mobilization that has provoked a political change ; this mobilization continues today through the various forms of Hirak : Rif, Jrada, Boycott. These new mobilizations teach us about the changes produced within the Moroccan society, but they also push us to reflect on the way to think and practice social sciences in Morocco. This paper tries to open the debate on this subject. [...]

L’interdisciplinarité : doit-elle choisir entre produire un savoir et cultiver une pratique ? Peer review

Barthélemy Durrive et Julie Noack | 23.11.2017

This paper offers a comparative analysis of two interdisciplinary projects built on the same principle. The first experience lasted four years (from 2009 to 2013), the second started a year ago (January 2015). The comparison we propose focuses on the methodological difficulties we encountered in each project specifically, and the aim is to describe how they have been responded to. More precisely : the challenge we would like to emphasize in multidisciplinary research regards the constitution of a positive yet [...]

L’opuscule et le progrès.

Bouveresse, Jacques. 2017. Le mythe moderne du progrès, décortiqué et démonté par le philosophe Jacques Bouveresse à partir des critiques de Karl Kraus, Robert Musil, George Orwell, Ludwig Wittgenstein et de Georg Henrik von Wright. Marseille : Agone, coll. « Cent mille signes ».

Hervé Regnauld | 23.08.2017

What is progress about ? In a short and convincing essay, Bouveresse demonstrates that progress, in science, adds some knowledge to the preexisting theories, but adds many more questions about new problems. So progress is not an acccumulation, but a questioning. [...]