
L'ensemble des articles ayant pour mot clé : mobilités

Ton voisin Sébastien.

Si tu ne viens pas au commerce, le commerce ira à toi !

Xavier BernierOlivier Lazzarotti et Jacques Lévy | 01.04.2022

Itinerant trade is a very old activity. Today, it is deployed in a variety of forms and contexts. Nowadays, store trucks are developing very different business proposals with a large variety of vehicles. Their commercial tours produce social links in specific networks. It is a model of original urbanity. [...]

Une famille, entre habitants et cohabitants.

À propos d’une proposition : rythmologie de la mobilité.

Olivier Lazzarotti | 05.12.2019

Guillaume Drevon's book addresses the issue of daily mobility. This question allows him to experiment with some methodological approaches, in particular those based on the study of rhythms, « rhythmology ». [...]