
L'ensemble des articles ayant pour mot clé : reflexivity

Connaissances par proximité et rénovation urbaine. Peer review

Bianca BoteaLaëtitia Mongeard et Lise Serra | 08.11.2019

This traversal proposes a multidisciplinary analysis of urban transformations and, in particular, urban renewal from the perspective of the production of knowledge by proximity or familiarity. We want to look at urban renewal as a space of resources, links, actions, categories and cognitive universes in which the researcher participates alongside other field actors. This perspective of analysis, which places the researcher amidst people on the ground, is almost absent from studies on urban renewal in France, despite the profusion [...]

Connaissances, attachements et écologies de l’enquête dans la rénovation urbaine. Peer review

Bianca Botea | 03.10.2019

This article is based on an anthropological fieldwork carried out in the urban renewal context of the La Duchère district in Lyon. It attempts to analyse the processes of knowledge and other results of this research by placing them into the environments from which they emerged and into the familiarity and attachment relationships established within them. Considering knowledge experiences is an opportunity to look at the nature of scientific work in the context of urban renewal and to examine [...]

Effets de terrain. Peer review

Anne Doquet et Joëlle Le Marec | 14.09.2017

What kind of knowledge do we produce in the social sciences ? The problem is constantly discussed, mostly from a review of the literature (after all stages of academic refining) more than by sharing what is learned from the survey. However, it can be reconsidered not as a technical stage of collection, but as an open process that begins well before and continues well after the phase described in theses and articles as the space-time reserved for the study area. [...]

Ethnologues et touristes au papier calque.

Quelques effets de terrain en milieu touristique.

Anne Doquet | 01.12.2016

Based on a considerable fieldwork experience in Mali, this paper aims to analyze the ethnologist's responsibilities towards various actors taking part in tourism encounters. From similarities between anthropologists and tourists, I intend to show that relationships between researchers, local communities, guides and tourists are components of the ethnographic data. Tourism constitutes therefore an ethnographic field that needs a continous practice of reflexivity. Furthermore, because he is a tourist in his own way, because the mediators of tourism encounters tend [...]

Les puissances de l’absence.

Projets personnels et/ou projet de société.

Jacques Lévy | 21.04.2014

The survey carried out on explicit representations of the future among the inhabitants of Geneva’s metropolitan area shows three major groups. The most substantial encompasses individuals that speak little about society as a whole but a lot about their own projects. However, they clearly connect their personal itineraries to the context of their agency. The second group includes people that draw a dark image of the future, which is underpinned by a cyclic model of history and a condemnation [...]