town planning

L'ensemble des articles ayant pour mot clé : town planning

Faut-il faire aimer la ville ?

Martouzet, Denis (dir.). 2014. Ville aimable. Tours : Presses universitaires François-Rabelais.

Lionel Francou | 19.05.2015

This multi-authored work gathers various contributions which focus on the “emotional relationship people have with cities”. In an approach that is both poetic and relational, the authors — mainly urban planners and geographers — seek to highlight the mutual influence that takes place between people and the city. Taking stock of their work, they shape the frame of a future research program, mixing theoretical reflections and studies that are more directly built on data. Finally, they question the ideal [...]

Strategic Navigation.

A multiplanar methodology for strategic spatial planning.

Jean Hillier | 23.02.2015

I regard strategic spatial planning as an adaptive practice concerned with what can be done in the face of uncertainty. Inspired by Deleuze and Guattari, I present a multiplanar theorisation of strategic spatial planning as strategic navigation, involving both the broad charting out of a trajectory of the longer-term future and also for shorter-term, detailed plans and projects with collaboratively determined goals. I develop a methodology for translating the theory into strategic practice, which incorporates a critical engagement with [...]