Urban Renewal

L'ensemble des articles ayant pour mot clé : Urban Renewal

Les impacts des transformations urbaines sur les représentations sociales des habitants. Peer review

L’exemple du quartier de Teisseire rénové.

Karin Schaeffer et Paulette Duarte | 18.03.2021

This article aims to understand the impacts of urban transformations on the social representations of the inhabitants of so-called «sensitive» neighbourhoods. While the external image of some of these neighbourhoods is still pejorative, do the inhabitants of these neighbourhoods represent their housing and living conditions differently after renovation? How has the urban renewal of neighbourhoods affected the social representations of their inhabitants? What are the reasons behind these impacts? To answer these questions, the authors propose to compare the [...]

Gentrification, co-presence or social mix? Changes and permanence in the centre of São Paulo Peer review

Vitor Pessoa Colombo et Gian Paolo Torricelli | 17.07.2020

Can we speak of gentrification in the centre of São Paulo (Brazil)? Or is it rather a situation of copresence between different social classes? Starting from a brief analysis of the Latin-American context and the situation of the urban centres in this region, we address the recent changes in the socio-spatial dynamics of the city of São Paulo. In order to assess the possibility of a gentrification process in its historical centre, we propose a spatial analysis of the [...]

Connaissances par proximité et rénovation urbaine. Peer review

Bianca BoteaLaëtitia Mongeard et Lise Serra | 08.11.2019

This traversal proposes a multidisciplinary analysis of urban transformations and, in particular, urban renewal from the perspective of the production of knowledge by proximity or familiarity. We want to look at urban renewal as a space of resources, links, actions, categories and cognitive universes in which the researcher participates alongside other field actors. This perspective of analysis, which places the researcher amidst people on the ground, is almost absent from studies on urban renewal in France, despite the profusion [...]

Agrandir la parole des habitants. Peer review

Laetitia Overney | 17.05.2019

This paper proposes a return visit. It describes an ethnographic field investigation in La Duchère, a public housing estate in Lyon concerned by an urban renewal programme, during the 2000s. Taking a position on the conflict situation between the public authorities, who defend the urban project, and the inhabitants’ mobilizations to amend it : how to do it ? Making the inhabitants’ voices and activities public : how to do it ? Ten years later, the ethnograph reads again [...]