urban rhythms

L'ensemble des articles ayant pour mot clé : urban rhythms

Le rythme urbain : un outil de réflexion sur la reconfiguration de la morphologie de l’espace.

Tural Aliyev et Alireza Hashemi Behramani | 03.07.2019

In recent years, the study of rhythm and its possible impacts on the urban environment has become important. Today more than ever, the study of rhythm in a city has a transversal approach and enters in to several social science disciplines. As a result, the article has a transdisciplinary approach and seeks to question the relationships between urban rhythm and the morphology of space, in order to contribute to the reflection of the specialists who are interested in it. [...]

Aménager les rythmes : politiques temporelles et urbanisme. Peer review

Sandra Mallet | 15.04.2013

What do time-oriented policies and time offices bring to urban planning ? Introduced in France in the late 1990s, the originality and interest of their actions lie on their choice to integrate the plurality of urban rhythms in planning. The consideration of this plurality takes three directions : the multiplicity of social time, the polychrony of the places and the sequential versatility of spaces. However, time-oriented policies lack resources and recognition. In this way, their actions lack global scopes. [...]