urban sociology

L'ensemble des articles ayant pour mot clé : urban sociology

Le rythme urbain : un outil de réflexion sur la reconfiguration de la morphologie de l’espace.

Tural Aliyev et Alireza Hashemi Behramani | 03.07.2019

In recent years, the study of rhythm and its possible impacts on the urban environment has become important. Today more than ever, the study of rhythm in a city has a transversal approach and enters in to several social science disciplines. As a result, the article has a transdisciplinary approach and seeks to question the relationships between urban rhythm and the morphology of space, in order to contribute to the reflection of the specialists who are interested in it. [...]

Une sociologie des représentations sociales de l’urbain en quête de reconnaissance. Peer review

Paulette Duarte | 16.08.2018

This article aims at filling a present gap in all books of contemporary urban sociology, namely the absence of references to the existence of a sociology of the social representations of the urban. For that end, the author suggests reconstituting the history of this sociology, located between the fields of urban and social representations, by analysing in a diachronic way the interest which sociologists of the urban had, and still have, for the question of social representations. This interest [...]