Jean-Noël Proust

Jean-Noël Proust is Research Director in Sedimentology at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (Cnrs). He was recently the head of the Sedimentary Basin Research Group of the Geosciences Department of the University of Rennes 1 (France). He graduated from the University of Poitiers (France) in 1987 and completed a phd at the University of Strasbourg (France). He got his first Cnrs research position at the University of Lille (France). He has twenty years of experience working on sequence stratigraphy of siliciclastic and carbonate rocks from outcrop, cores, logs, and seismic data interpretation. His expertise is concentrated on the influence of sea-level changes on continental-to-shallow marine sediment partitioning in the rock record. He has worked in the field in Russia, Africa, South West Pacific, Europe, and North America, investigating depositional environments in Late Proterozoic to Holocene sedimentary rocks. He ran numerous shallow marine seismic surveys and coring campaigns along the French Atlantic passive margin coasts. He was also chief scientist of the international oceanographic voyages on the Marion Dufresne in the Tasman Sea and South West Pacific active margins in 2006 and on the Iodp (“Integrated Ocean Drilling Program”) drilling platform off the New Jersey coasts in 2009. His most recent research focuses on untangling tectonic, sea-level, and climate controls on sediment distribution along active and passive continental margins and the overall calibration of sediment fluxes to the ocean.

Integration of Heritage Loss into Vulnerability Assessments of South Brittany Coastline (France). Peer review

Implications for Coastal Vulnerability Analyses.

Soazig PianHervé RegnauldMarie-Yvane DaireJean-Noël ProustBenheng ShiDavid Menier et Elías López-Romero | 05.01.2011

Les modifications affectant l’évolution du climat et des systèmes environnementaux ont pour conséquence de rendre incertaines et imprécises l’analyse, l’évaluation et la gestion des risques (Lamarre, 2008). Dans les mêmes temps, la gestion de la vulnérabilité littorale, associée au risque d’érosion côtière, apparaît comme un enjeu majeur. Très souvent, la vulnérabilité du littoral est évaluée à partir de critères monétaires, en comparant les coûts et bénéfices associés à la protection du littoral menacé (Carter, 1999). Par [...]