Flaminia Paddeu

Flaminia Paddeu is an associate professor in geography at the Paris 13 University, a researcher at the PLEIADE laboratory (EA 7338) and an associate researcher at the LADYSS laboratory (UMR 7533). Her thesis focused on environmental and food justice movements in low-income neighborhoods of American metropolises (New York, Detroit). She is currently working on civic environmentalism in the Greater Paris area. She is co-founder of the urban studies online review Urbanités.

L’environnementalisme ordinaire. Transformer l’espace public métropolitain à bas bruit ? Peer review

Nathalie Blanc et Flaminia Paddeu | 05.04.2018

We wish here to make visible an environmentalism that we call ordinary, which characterizes the many, but discrete ways in which the inhabitants invest daily and collectively for the local environment, often their place of life, especially in urban and peri-urban areas. These civil society actors, including inhabitants engaged in collective approaches (associations, collectives, informal groups, coalitions, networks, etc.), act from multiple perspectives, diverse systems of actions and values brought together by a common denominator, the project of taking [...]