Jean-Christophe Plantin

Jean-Christophe Plantin est docteur en sciences en sciences de l’information et de la communication. Il a obtenu son doctorat à l’Université de Compiègne et est actuellement chercheur postdoctoral à l’Université du Michigan. Ses recherches portent sur les initiatives de cartographie participative, la place des images dans la pratique scientifique, et l’évolution des infrastructures de recherche en sciences humaines et sociales.

Interroger l’infrastructure de représentation du monde.

Kurgan, Laura. 2013. Close up at a distance. Mapping, technology and politics. New York : Zone Books.

Jean-Christophe Plantin | 10.03.2014

With her book Close up at a distance. Mapping, technology and politics, Laura Kurgan, Professor of architecture at Columbia University in New York city, interrogates the political, technical and ethical debates around satellite imagery, GPS and Geographic Information Systems. The originality of Kurgan’s work comes from her theoretical articles, that use geography and sciences, technology and society resources, and the presentation of nine artistic projects that she has been working on for twenty years, using case studies of satellite [...]