Jean-Marc Stébé

Jean-Marc Stébé, professor of sociology at the University of Lorraine (Nancy), carries out, since 1993, in the Lorraine Laboratory of Social Sciences (2L2S), many researches on the social and territorial fragmentation of cities, peri-urbanization and urban utopias. He has published more than twenty books (alone or in collaboration), including La France périurbaine (PUF, 2018), Idées reçues sur le logement social (Le Cavalier Bleu, 2016), Le logement social en France (PUF, 2016 - 7th ed.), Les grandes questions sur la ville et l’urbain (PUF, 2014), Qu’est-ce qu’une utopie ? (Vrin, 2011) and La crise des banlieues (PUF, 2010 - 4th ed.).

Les gentrifieurs à l’assaut du périurbain. Peer review

Hervé Marchal et Jean-Marc Stébé | 19.06.2019

The article proposes to analyze the new forms that gentrification takes in periurban territories of contemporary France. Our intention is to look beyond the city centers and suburbs in order to report the new forms of gentrification and thus to bring new elements to research, by articulating the notions of gentrification and peri-urbanization. Based on a study carried out during the 2016-2018 period in the urban area of Nancy, we will specify the sociological outlines of the gentrification of [...]