Laurent Jardinier

Laurent Jardinier is in charge of Research, Innovation and Europe mission at Cerema Territoires et ville (Lyon). He is a graduate engineer from ENTPE ( school for the sustainable development of territories) and was in charge of travel studies and then Head of the travel policy evaluation field at the CETE (Equipment technical study center) in Lyon. His current work focuses on the links between mobility and health, particularly in the context of the national health and environment plans (PNSE) and the SANUM Santé-Mobilité project (ANR-ADEME).

Mobilités du quotidien et santé.

Un état de l’art basé sur le cadre théorique de la motilité.

David SayaghLaurent Jardinier et Vincent Kaufmann | 19.11.2021

The objective of this state-of-the-art article is to ask – based on the theoretical framework of the concept of motility – to what extent everyday mobility influences health. It is shown that this influence operates at multiple levels. In particular, following the example of active mobility, mobility can be a source of significant benefits, both in terms of physical health and mental and social health. But daily mobility can also be a source of accidents, air pollution, noise pollution, [...]