Lucien Delley

D’abord travailleur social puis sociologue, Lucien Delley est coordinateur de la sécurité du Montreux Jazz Festival ainsi que doctorant au Laboratoire de Sociologie Urbaine (LaSUR-EPFL). Ses recherches portent sur les questions sociales, spatiales et politiques relatives à l’usage festif toujours plus valorisé de la ville contemporaine. En parallèle, il enseigne la thématique « prévention et réduction des risques en milieu festif » à la Haute Ecole de Travail Social (HETS) de Genève. Il est également membre fondateur de l’iSSUE (Institut Suisse de Sécurité Urbaine et Evénementielle).

Liesse, émeute et panique : enquête sur l’effervescence et la cristallisation des états publics de la foule. Peer review

Lucien DelleyLuca Pattaroni et Pascal Viot | 10.06.2020

This article questions the notion of effervescence in a crowd gathered during festive or sporting events. Starting from survey of the various theoretical construction of the crowd as an object of knowledge, we criticize conceptions that consider it as an irrational mental fusion and focus on what we propose to call the "public conditions" of the crowd, manifested by the emergence of accountable collective behaviours. Beyond the risks that are generally associated with it, a crowd is an opportunity [...]

Croiser les disciplines, se croiser dans l’indiscipline.

Dialogue autour de la notion de rythme.

Lucien DelleyJuliana González et Laurie Daffe | 17.04.2019

As polysemous and intangible as the notion of "rhythm" might be, one must note its capacity to make diverse disciplines (such as geography, literature, biology, dance, sociology or economy) work and speak together. Wishing to pursue this dialogue, can the specific conditions to build a common reflection and the production of an "undisciplined knowledge" be identified ? In light of the seminar "Urban Rhythms" – that took place in Lausanne from 8 to 10 November 2017 –, our reflection [...]