Rachel Brahy

Rachel Brahy has a PhD in political and social sciences, and she is scientific coordinator of the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (ULiège). She is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Uliège, and researcher within the FNRS-FRS project "Sensitive experience of the common in urban space". Her research is anchored in a socio-anthropology of experience and a sociology of public spaces, with social, cultural and urban policies as privileged objects.

Enchantements, jeux et réalités.

Rachel Brahy et Catherine Bourgeois | 11.12.2020

This interview with Yves Winkin and Nathalie Zaccaï-Reyners focuses on notions of enchantment, imagination, games or effervescence. It questions both the complex links between spatialities, collective action and social interactions, but also explores deeper questions such as solicitude, happiness or ways of interpreting the meaning of life. From this interview emerge concrete perspectives and tools to analyze situations as varied as the tourist experience, ludic experience, public relations or the dynamics of intercomprehension or disillusionment. [...]

Effervescence et enchantement.

Rachel BrahyCatherine Bourgeois et Nathalie Zaccaï-Reyners | 16.10.2020

Que permettent d’appréhender et de penser aujourd’hui les notions classiques d’effervescence et d’enchantement dans le champ des sciences humaines et sociales ? Quels types de problématiques sont-elles susceptibles d’éclairer de nos jours ? Leur héritage ouvre-t-il à de nouveaux usages, à de nouvelles compréhensions ? Comment sont-elles bousculées, redessinées, et reliées à d’autres ressources ? C’est à ces [...]