illustration : Books


The Books heading gathers critical reviews of selected social-sciences books.

À quoi bon contester les nouvelles technologies ?

Baqué, Philippe. 2017. Homme augmenté, humanité diminuée : d’Alzheimer au transhumanisme, la science au service d’une idéologie hégémonique et mercantile. Marseille : Agone, et Jarrige, François. 2016. Technocritiques : du refus des machines à la contestation des technosciences. Paris : La Découverte.

Libero Zuppiroli | 05.07.2019

Our century is said to be the century of technological innovation. However, many publications contest the benefits of technology ! Has this contestation any significant impact in such a context ? What purpose does it serve ? Francois Jarigge’s book is an attempt to respond to this question by examining the history of technical discourse, and Philippe Baqué’s book by analysing the promises of « perfect health ». The critiques of technology take much time to produce an impact, [...]

Chronotopies ou temps unique ?

Rancière, Jacques. 2018. Les temps modernes. Art, temps, politiques. Paris : La Fabrique.

Nathalie Blanc | 27.06.2019

The book repeats four lectures, given in several countries of former Yugoslavia, as well as in the United States, between 2014 and 2015, which allowed the author to rethink time as a (class) conflict in the distribution of life forms. The first lecture, or essay, entitled Time, Narrative, and Politics, questions the narratives of time and the politics of their formulation. The author opposes to the great narratives constructed by Marx and his heirs, a messianic time of which [...]

La puissance de la non-fiction créative au service d’un féminisme balbutiant.

Mencé-Caster, Corinne. 2018. Le talisman de la présidente. Paris : Écriture.

Christophe Premat | 06.06.2019

The purpose of the article is to analyze the characteristics of an experience of institutional violence suffered by a woman who became president of the University of the West Indies and Guiana. The use of creative non-fiction allows to denounce the systematic exclusion of women from the spheres of power in the West Indies. [...]

Pour une phénoménologie de l’héroïne en France (1960-2000).

Kokoreff, Michel, Anne Coppel et Michel Peraldi (dirs.). 2018. La catastrophe invisible. Histoire sociale de l’héroïne. Paris : Éditions Amsterdam.

Alfonso Pinto | 21.01.2019

Cet ouvrage à la taille importante retrace une recherche (ANR HERO) portant sur le phénomène de l’héroïne en France, pendant la période 1960-2000. Au travers d’un travail interdisciplinaire conjuguant les apports de la sociologie, de l’histoire sociale et culturelle, de l’ethnologie, des études sur la criminalité mais aussi de l’expérience des militants engagés dans le domaine de la toxicomanie, les auteurs s’efforcent d'en fournir un portrait détaillé et approfondi, axé sur une démarche diachronique (1960-2000). À quel moment l’héroïne [...]

Rawls reloaded. De la justice à la justice spatiale.

Lévy, Jacques, Fauchille, Jean-Nicolas, Póvoas, Ana. 2018. Théorie de la justice spatiale. Géographies du juste et de l’injuste. Paris : Odile Jacob.

Mélanie Le Guen | 15.12.2018

This review of the book Théorie de la justice spatiale. Géographies du juste et de l’injuste attempts to identify some of the workings of the writing exercise that such a volume stands for. This six-hands work uses interviews conducted in France, Switzerland and Portugal to show that individuals are able to reflect space-justice interactions and express their own conceptions of justice, based on their experiences as inhabitants. It seriously deals with contemporary concerns, yet it does not resort to [...]

Du bon et mauvais usage des modèles de la science économique.

Rodrik, Dani. 2017. Peut-on faire confiance aux économistes ? Réussites et échecs de la science économique. Traduit de l'anglais par Jérôme Duquène. Louvain-la-Neuve : De Boeck Supérieur, coll. « Pop Economics ».

Michel Carrard | 07.12.2018

The subprime crisis of 2007/2008 rekindled controversies over the nature of economics. If some saw, in the multiplication of criticisms addressed to this discipline, the beginning of a healthy questioning of the mainstream model, others, on the contrary, defended it as a guarantee of its scientificity. It is in this context that Dani Rodrik's book will be published, in 2015. The author's comment is both a plea in favour of economics and at the same time a strong criticism [...]

Se vouloir seul.

Explorer les aspirations à la solitude avec Philip Slater.

Sylvain Bordiec | 18.10.2018

This article sheds light on the contribution of Philip Slater’s book – entitled The Pursuit of Loneliness. American Culture at the Breaking Point – in understanding the disconnections from social life. The author argues that in America, in the sixties, the quest for solitude organised the life of the suburban white middle-class. According to the author, this quest is a historical, spatial, cultural and social declination of the solitudes that can be generated by the process of individuation, a [...]

Les pauvres aussi peuvent-ils profiter de la mondialisation ?

Choplin, Armelle et Olivier Pliez. 2018. La mondialisation des pauvres. Loin de Wall Street et de Davos. Paris : Seuil, coll. « La République des idées ».

Christian Bouquet | 30.08.2018

The work of Armelle Choplin and Olivier Pliez addresses globalisation under an original survey method, leading to an unconventional conclusion. The authors follow the flow of commodities, from Africa to China, and prove that certain actors of these exchanges can get out of poverty by entering, even at the margins, the international trade. [...]

Un homme sur la terre : le cas de Franz Schubert (1797-1828).

Lazzarotti, Olivier. 2017. Une place sur Terre ? Franz Schubert, de l'homme mort à l'habitant libre. Paris : H Diffusion.

Gabriel Dupuy | 21.06.2018

In this book Olivier Lazzarotti continues his reflection on man's geographical condition. The author sets the scene with the musician Franz Schubert. He describes the meanings of a new mobility that makes man free. [...]

Une spiritualité du donné naturel ?

Bourg, Dominique. 2018. Une nouvelle Terre. Paris : Éditions Desclée de Brouwer.

Augustin Berque | 20.06.2018

Dominique Bourg’s A New Earth shows that the modern ideal of mastering nature is ending in its contrary, a total loss of mastership. The reviewer agrees on the whole, but criticises Bourg’s conception of “natural given”, which implies determinism, whereas the relation at stake cannot be but contingent. [...]