illustration : Books


The Books heading gathers critical reviews of selected social-sciences books.

Une architecture des frontières.

Teyssot, Georges. 2016. Une topologie du quotidien. Lausanne : Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, coll. « Poche Architecture ».

Gaël Brulé | 07.07.2017

In Une topologie du quotidien, Georges Teyssot positions himself as an architect of borders. The border is studied under various angles : physical, ontological, epistemological. This analysis stems from an initial observation that the traditional conception of borders is unsatisfactory, and doesn’t explain the current limits of a house, a field, or an object. A new concept of border is drawn by Teyssot. [...]

Bonnes feuilles de l’Atlas politique de la France.

Des révolutions de moins en moins silencieuses.

Jacques LévyOgier MaitreJean-Nicolas Fauchille et Ana Póvoas | 05.07.2017

Lévy, Jacques, Ogier Maitre, Jean-Nicolas Fauchille et Ana Póvoas (dirs.). 2017. Atlas politique de la France. Les révolutions silencieuses de la société française. Paris : Éditions Autrement. The Silent Revolution, « la révolution silencieuse », est le titre d’un ouvrage de Ron Inglehart publié en 1977. Il y est question de l’émergence de nouveaux modèles de société [...]

En finir avec l’hospitalité… ou pas.

Djigo, Sophie. 2016. Les migrants de Calais. Enquête sur la vie en transit. Marseille : Agone, coll. « Contre-feux » et Brugère, Fabienne et Guillaume Le Blanc. La fin de l’hospitalité. Lampedusa, Lesbos, Calais… jusqu’où irons-nous ? Paris : Flammarion.

Emilie Da Lage | 14.06.2017

How can we describe and analyze the multiplication, in Europe, of the areas in which asylum-seeking migrants are kept ? What concepts and methods should we use to understand what is taking place there, how these areas mark the territories ? What kind of stages in trajectories of exile are they ? How do they put at stake the democratic bases of European States ? These questions are the core of two books of philosophy which claim a particular posture : a grounded philosophy. [...]

Le musée déconstruit : le réquisitoire de Jean-Loup Amselle.

Amselle, Jean-Loup. 2016. Le musée exposé. Fécamp : Lignes.

François Warin | 17.05.2017

With the new museums, works of the greatest architects, we entered a new age. It is this new place of confinement that mobilizes the big pilgrimages of international tourism today, which Jean-Loup Amselle intends to deconstruct in a book (The Museum Exposed) as ambitious as iconoclastic, a book in which Marxist, Foucaldian and post-colonial criticism cross each other.
By taking a geopolitical dimension, the museum becomes a museum of society, and today exposes itself to the conflict of memories and [...]

Paul Claval fait confiance à l’Occident.

Claval, Paul. 2016. L’aventure occidentale. Modernité et globalisation. Paris : Éditions Sciences Humaines.

Christian Bouquet | 11.05.2017

Paul Claval continues to put in perspective the way the world is going, with his own insights and readings. In this book, he alludes to the end of the modernist utopia impacted by the globalization process, while outlining the universalist ambition of these two movements. However, he is worried by the current imbalance experienced by the planet and its inhabitants, under the influence of a triple transition : demographic, environmental and digital technology. His point of view may be [...]

Science, histoire des sciences et vérité scientifique.

Recension croisée de Guenancia, Pierre, Maryvonne Perrot et Jean-Jacques Wunenburger (dirs.). 2016. Bachelard et Canguilhem. Dijon : Cahiers Gaston Bachelard (n°14) et de Barreau, Aurélien. 2016. De la vérité dans les sciences. Paris : Dunod.

Hervé Regnauld | 19.04.2017

What does truth mean for science ? Bachelard, Canguilhem and Dagognet, French philosophers who are also mathematicians and doctors, produced some important ideas about truth : it is not something that exists as a quality of the scientific object, it is something that the scientist creates according to its own likings, and not in relation with some objective characteristics of the world. More recently, a philosopher who is also an astrophysicist, Barrau, has elaborated an original epistemic approach, stating [...]

« Je suis Ferrare. »

Roche, Thierry et Guy Jungblut. 2016. Antonioni-Ferrare : Une hypothèse plausible. Liège : Yellow Now, coll. « Côté cinéma ».

Olivier Lazzarotti | 19.04.2017

Between images and anthropology, from films to inhabitants, the book explores, in the form of a dialogue – which is even better – one of the first questions of dwelling, from the perspective of Mr. Antonioni and the city of Ferrare : « What inheritance the city where we were born gives us ? ». [...]

Un drôle de Sujet ?

À propos de Mbembe, Achille. 2016. Politiques de l’inimitié. Paris : La Découverte.

Gérard Martial Amougou | 30.03.2017

On the basis of his latest book, Policies of Enmity, recently published by La Découverte, this contribution questions the centrality of the notion of subject in the work of Achille Mbembe. Confronted with the current state of the new sociologies of the individual and the drifts of the modern world, the Mbembean subject, whose contours are outlined in the shadow of Frantz Fanon, is nevertheless the bearer of dilemmas. [...]

Pratiques de la sécurité dans la ville et sûreté des espaces urbains.

Comby, Jacques (dir.) avec la coll. d’Emmanuelle Romanet-Da Fonseca. 2015. Peurs dans la ville. Urbanisme et sécurité dans l’agglomération lyonnaise XIXe-XXIe siècle. Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, coll. « Espace et territoires ».

Laura Monfleur | 26.10.2016

The collective work edited by Jacques Comby examines safety in the city and the associated urban forms through the prism of the discourses, practices and representations of actors that have been in charge of governance and urban planning in the Lyon metropolitan area since the 19th century. This book reveals the safety concerns and practices in the shaping of the city. It also offers an enlightening critical analysis. This review attempts to focus on the contributions that Comby’s book [...]

Faites l’expérience de ces ambiances urbaines que je ne saurais définir.

Thibaud, Jean-Paul. 2015. En quête d’ambiances. Éprouver la ville en passant. Genève : MētisPresses, coll. « vuesDensemble Essais ».

Marine Kneubühler | 20.10.2016

En quête d’ambiances is a contribution to the sensitive turn that the social and human sciences are able to cooperate within an interdisciplinary debate about the construction of urban public places and the control of their environments, by focusing on lived experiences. This publication is a collection of papers published from 1996 to 2014 and proposes an exploration of different dimensions of urban atmospheres, both from theoretical and methodological points of view. The strength of this publication is correlating [...]