
L'ensemble des articles ayant pour mot clé : enchantement

Journal d’un colloque de Cerisy.

Yves Winkin | 26.10.2021

The international cultural center of Cerisy-la-Salle (Normandy, France) has been organizing for many years residential, 7-day long conferences from the end of April till the end of September. Participants are hosted in the castle and the adjacent buildings. The author describes his participation to one of those conferences in order to make more concrete what he means by « enchantment », a notion he has been trying to ground for years on the basis of ethnographic accounts. [...]

Enchantements, jeux et réalités.

Rachel Brahy et Catherine Bourgeois | 11.12.2020

This interview with Yves Winkin and Nathalie Zaccaï-Reyners focuses on notions of enchantment, imagination, games or effervescence. It questions both the complex links between spatialities, collective action and social interactions, but also explores deeper questions such as solicitude, happiness or ways of interpreting the meaning of life. From this interview emerge concrete perspectives and tools to analyze situations as varied as the tourist experience, ludic experience, public relations or the dynamics of intercomprehension or disillusionment. [...]

Un parking enchanté ? Trois jours de « Revanche des semis » avec la compagnie Le Phun. Peer review

Catherine Aventin | 30.10.2020

During three days and three nights a central car park is turned into a vegetable garden by a street theater company ( The Phun) The garden will disappear without warning as suuddenly as it appeared. This article proposes to explore how poetic fiction interacts with the daily use and perceptions of this place by the inhabitants. While the performers are busy growing, watering, picking plants and feeding farm animals the enchantment works and turns ordinary reality into extraordinary reality. [...]

Le jeu de rôle comme espace potentiel : contribution à une anthropologie de l’enchantement Peer review

Isabelle Borsus et Grégory Pogorzelski | 11.09.2020

In this article, we would like to contribute to the drawing of the contours of enchantment as a concept by confronting it to the scene of tabletop role playing game. To this end, we will defend the hypothesis that role playing game could be approached as an enchantment device (dispositif d’enchantement), itself considered as a « potential space » (Belin, 2002) framing and encouraging the emergence of an extra-daily experience. At first, we will discuss the environment of the [...]

S’initier au merveilleux. Peer review

Contribution à une socio-anthropologie de l’enchantement à partir de l’étude comparée du « Gamarada » et de la « Communication animale intuitive ».

Robin Susswein et Edgar Tasia | 07.04.2020

Some emotionally intense “wonderful” experiences, which are particularly difficult to qualify by those who experience them, have been studied by sociology and anthropology as “enchantment experiences”. How to qualify this type of experiences? What circumstances can contribute to their emergence? Based on the ethnographic study of two initiatory practices (the “Gamarada” and the “Animal Intuitive Communication”), the authors underline the benefits and the limits of the heuristic model of the "technology of enchantment" built by Halloy and Servais. This [...]