
L'ensemble des articles ayant pour mot clé : France

Résister à la professionnalisation. Peer review

Socio-histoire des catégories « amateurs » et « professionnels » en apiculture.

Agnès FortierPierre Alphandéry et Lucie Dupré | 13.09.2022

For a long time considered as a marginal activity, beekeeping has received particular attention in recent years due to the high mortality rate of bee colonies and its consequences on pollination, the maintenance of biodiversity and food security. Composed mainly of "amateurs", the beekeeping world contrasts with the process of professionalisation that has been imposed in agriculture since the mid-20th century. This article aims to question the genesis and the social and political construction of the categories "amateurs" and [...]

Vers un nouveau « régime de consommation » ?

Daumas, Jean-Claude. 2018. La révolution matérielle. Une histoire de la consommation. France, XIXe-XXIe siècle. Paris : Flammarion.

Corinne Delmas | 06.09.2019

What is consumption ? How to write its history ? Who consumes what in France ? In what way ? Can we speak of a vast democratization movement ? La révolution matérielle. Une histoire de la consommation deals with all these questions. Jean-Claude Daumas gives us an epic account covering three centuries of national, economic, social and also material history. Distinguishing five periods, he evokes the evolution of the "world of goods" and their consumption from the middle of [...]