
L'ensemble des articles ayant pour mot clé : practices

L’humain augmenté, ou les six faces du smartphone.

Nova, Nicolas. 2020. Smartphones, une enquête anthropologique. Genève : MétisPresses.

Léopold Lucas | 27.01.2022

The smartphone has infused our lifestyles to become a ubiquitous actant. As a true spatial technology, it has also transformed how individuals cope with space. But what meaning do we give to this object? How do its uses change our lives? What does it make us do (or not do)? These are the research questions at the heart of Nicolas Nova’s book. [...]

Les pratiques touristiques : transgression normalisée ou norme transgressive ? Peer review

Lauriane Létocart | 27.06.2019

By examining the Baltic coastline of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, a culturally and spatially highly standardized tourist area, this paper aims at analysing the relationship between norms and tourism practices. Spatial planning, like boundaries between nudist and non-nudist beaches, or those tolerating pets, demonstrates the public stakeholders’ intention to regulate tourism practices, which therefore proves the political dimension of norm. If German tourists are aware of these spatial norms, the latter appear more formal than efficient. Indeed, tourism practices tend to [...]

Les techniques du corps, des compétences pour faire avec de l’espace. Peer review

Léopold Lucas | 16.05.2019

This paper offers a discussion about the integration of the « techniques of the body » within a geography of action. The main idea is to define « skills » as the mastery of body techniques. We argue that this mastery gives individuals a capacity of adaptation to cope with space they do not know yet. More precisely, the article discusses the relevance of Marcel Mauss’ proposition, especially in the light of the reading established by Tim Ingold. This [...]

Corps et spatialités. Peer review

Les spatialités en questions.

Vincent CoëfféChristophe Guibert et Benjamin Taunay | 25.04.2019

The body is an "object" whose status is problematic since at least Antiquity in the "Western tradition". First approached by philosophers, whose representations are historically differentiated, it was then invested by other human and social sciences, which have remained most often silent on the relationship between body and spatiality. The geographers, for their part, have kept away from this "object", but the question of the body has become an epistemological issue, especially for those who have invested the concept [...]

L’hospitalité : jusqu’où irons-nous ?

Mélanie Le Guen | 29.11.2018

This article argues that hospitality, that should have come to an end according to many authors in the social sciences, has been a fruitful theme and guideline to their practices, especially since 2015. In the social sciences, hospitality appears through new practices of social scientists as well as through the topic’s regain of topicality. This thesis is based upon a state of the art and extracts the most relevant documents to approach the relations between science as a social [...]

Maillage paroissial et pratiques religieuses dans le diocèse de Rennes, Dol et Saint-Malo. Peer review

Louisa Plouchart-Even | 01.10.2018

The subject belongs to the scientific field of social geography. The article proposes to examine, in light of their new components, the territories of religion and the faithful Catholics in the dioceses of Rennes, Dol and St. Malo. Our study, nourished by qualitative field studies, casts a light on these new forms of organisation based on spatial domains. Rural parishes, peri-urban or urban ones were used as a framework to the study, to assess the characteristics of the faithful [...]

La mobilité périurbaine : le changement, c’est pour quand ?

Hélène NessiBenoit ContiLaurent ProulhacPatricia Sajous et Mariane Thébert | 24.03.2017

Is there an effective change in the mobility system of the suburban area in the Île-de-France ? How to identify it ? This article aims at updating the evolving (or not evolving) residential and daily mobility patterns through three case studies in the Île-de-France. Results show that change doesn’t challenge the whole system but rather consists of adaptive measures. Evolution in the use of car ensures the global system’s stability. Those adaptive measures are nevertheless the source of new [...]