illustration : Works


The Works heading gathers theoretical or methodological research papers that contribute to epistemological thinking in the social sciences and other fields of knowledge.

Susciter la parole des cyclistes : traces GPS et vidéos au service de l’entretien

Matthieu AdamNathalie OrtarLuc MerchezGeorges-Henry Laffont et Hervé Rivano | 26.10.2020

Bikeability refers to the capacity of spaces to accommodate, facilitate and secure cycling practices. GIS-based, its evaluation, is built on indicators which are based on projections of what is increasing/decreasing the ability to cycle in a given place. However, the confrontation of these evaluations with the experience of cyclists remains to be built and is the goal of the Véléval project. The survey combines three methodological tools: the measurement of trips thanks to GPS tracks, the analysis of video [...]

Effervescence et enchantement.

Rachel BrahyCatherine Bourgeois et Nathalie Zaccaï-Reyners | 16.10.2020

Que permettent d’appréhender et de penser aujourd’hui les notions classiques d’effervescence et d’enchantement dans le champ des sciences humaines et sociales ? Quels types de problématiques sont-elles susceptibles d’éclairer de nos jours ? Leur héritage ouvre-t-il à de nouveaux usages, à de nouvelles compréhensions ? Comment sont-elles bousculées, redessinées, et reliées à d’autres ressources ? C’est à ces [...]

Domestic space as a social total fact. Thinking by using photography. Peer review

Irène Sartoretti et Roberto Manuelli | 26.09.2020

How to produce a photographic essay with an esthetic, but also scientific, value? This is the starting point of our research on domestic interiors. By using photography as a method of analysis and at the same time communication, we wanted to explore links between furniture and great contemporary social issues, such as fragmentation of biographies, increasing mobilities, expanding possibilities of choice and ethic of individual performance. This article focuses on methodological choices regarding the use of photograph (comparability, neutrality [...]

Le jeu de rôle comme espace potentiel : contribution à une anthropologie de l’enchantement Peer review

Isabelle Borsus et Grégory Pogorzelski | 11.09.2020

In this article, we would like to contribute to the drawing of the contours of enchantment as a concept by confronting it to the scene of tabletop role playing game. To this end, we will defend the hypothesis that role playing game could be approached as an enchantment device (dispositif d’enchantement), itself considered as a « potential space » (Belin, 2002) framing and encouraging the emergence of an extra-daily experience. At first, we will discuss the environment of the [...]

Théâtre, ethnoscénologie & sociologie réflexive Peer review

Jean-Marie Pradier | 24.08.2020

Ethnoscenology considers theater as a cultural subset (historical and local) of organized human performing forms OHPF. The theater has enjoyed a particular expansion in the wake of Western economic, political and scientific influence over the world. This art become less influential in terms of attendance by the public; nevertheless, it is now incorporated as a practice in multiple fields of social life. The common French vocabulary bears the trace of its prominence in the society. The word theater has [...]

Gentrification, co-presence or social mix? Changes and permanence in the centre of São Paulo Peer review

Vitor Pessoa Colombo et Gian Paolo Torricelli | 17.07.2020

Can we speak of gentrification in the centre of São Paulo (Brazil)? Or is it rather a situation of copresence between different social classes? Starting from a brief analysis of the Latin-American context and the situation of the urban centres in this region, we address the recent changes in the socio-spatial dynamics of the city of São Paulo. In order to assess the possibility of a gentrification process in its historical centre, we propose a spatial analysis of the [...]

Time vulnerability: refereeing to keep the pace. Peer review

Alexis GumyPauline Hosotte et Marc-Edouard Schultheiss | 17.07.2020

While accessibility conditions have never been so sound, the social injunctions that materialise at work, at home or during leisure time can lead to various forms of vulnerability with respect to time. This article supports the hypothesis that time vulnerabilities, when enhanced by a situation of high parenting responsibility or automobile dependence, encourage households to implement unique mobility practices. These practices, termed “emerging” in this research, would allow them to keep the intense pace of their daily mobility project. [...]

Liesse, émeute et panique : enquête sur l’effervescence et la cristallisation des états publics de la foule. Peer review

Lucien DelleyLuca Pattaroni et Pascal Viot | 10.06.2020

This article questions the notion of effervescence in a crowd gathered during festive or sporting events. Starting from survey of the various theoretical construction of the crowd as an object of knowledge, we criticize conceptions that consider it as an irrational mental fusion and focus on what we propose to call the "public conditions" of the crowd, manifested by the emergence of accountable collective behaviours. Beyond the risks that are generally associated with it, a crowd is an opportunity [...]

The Prophets of Immanence.

Le coronavirus au prisme du néonaturalisme

Jacques Lévy | 18.04.2020

Within a pandemic process where unknown and novel realities can be numerous, some actors cannot help saying: “I told you so”. Among them, activists of the neo-naturalist current are seeking at all costs to connect this event to their common speeches. Inside this movement, Dominique Bourg et Bruno Latour have set themselves up as prophets of immanence. Immanence is a new religion that replaces ancient transcendent gods with a powerful, moralizing Nature and reduces the humans to weak and [...]

S’initier au merveilleux. Peer review

Contribution à une socio-anthropologie de l’enchantement à partir de l’étude comparée du « Gamarada » et de la « Communication animale intuitive ».

Robin Susswein et Edgar Tasia | 07.04.2020

Some emotionally intense “wonderful” experiences, which are particularly difficult to qualify by those who experience them, have been studied by sociology and anthropology as “enchantment experiences”. How to qualify this type of experiences? What circumstances can contribute to their emergence? Based on the ethnographic study of two initiatory practices (the “Gamarada” and the “Animal Intuitive Communication”), the authors underline the benefits and the limits of the heuristic model of the "technology of enchantment" built by Halloy and Servais. This [...]