Eduardo Dutenkefer

Doctor in Geography from the University of São Paulo. Coordinator of the Geographic Information System of the Attorney General's Office of the State of São Paulo.

Trois Brésil politiques.

L’élection présidentielle brésilienne de 2022.

Jacques LévyStéphane GallardoVinicius Santos AlmeidaKatia CanovaFernanda Padovesi FonsecaJaime Tadeu OlivaEduardo DutenkeferJessica Luchesi et Maiara S. Oliveira | 14.12.2022

The 2022 Brazilian presidential election appears at first glance to be a confrontation between two juxtaposed spaces. In fact, it is more a layout of three superimposed spaces, each corresponding to a type of cleavage: centre/periphery, economic capital and gradients of urbanity. These are therefore three political Brazils, each occupying the whole of the country's territory, which must be described and interpreted. [...]