Maiara S. Oliveira

Professor of Geography and Geographer, she is preparing a Master's degree in Human Geography (PPGH) at the Faculty of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH -USP).

Trois Brésil politiques.

L’élection présidentielle brésilienne de 2022.

Jacques LévyStéphane GallardoVinicius Santos AlmeidaKatia CanovaFernanda Padovesi FonsecaJaime Tadeu OlivaEduardo DutenkeferJessica Luchesi et Maiara S. Oliveira | 14.12.2022

The 2022 Brazilian presidential election appears at first glance to be a confrontation between two juxtaposed spaces. In fact, it is more a layout of three superimposed spaces, each corresponding to a type of cleavage: centre/periphery, economic capital and gradients of urbanity. These are therefore three political Brazils, each occupying the whole of the country's territory, which must be described and interpreted. [...]