illustration : In the air

In the air

The In the air heading gathers texts about the social sciences in their current state and context.

L’hospitalité : jusqu’où irons-nous ?

Mélanie Le Guen | 29.11.2018

This article argues that hospitality, that should have come to an end according to many authors in the social sciences, has been a fruitful theme and guideline to their practices, especially since 2015. In the social sciences, hospitality appears through new practices of social scientists as well as through the topic’s regain of topicality. This thesis is based upon a state of the art and extracts the most relevant documents to approach the relations between science as a social [...]

Les Hirak au Maroc : Faut-il un nouveau regard ?

Khalid Mouna | 14.09.2018

Morocco has known, since 2011, a social mobilization that has provoked a political change ; this mobilization continues today through the various forms of Hirak : Rif, Jrada, Boycott. These new mobilizations teach us about the changes produced within the Moroccan society, but they also push us to reflect on the way to think and practice social sciences in Morocco. This paper tries to open the debate on this subject. [...]

Jacques Lévy, Nobel de la géographie 2018.

Christian Grataloup | 26.07.2018

The next Vautrin Lud Prize will be awarded, in October 2018, to Jacques Lévy. It is the recognition of the profound renewal that was brought by him, not only to geography, but to the social sciences as a whole, particularly by the foundation and persevering animation of EspacesTemps, first on its paper version, then on its online version. Collective work has been, and always is, the trademark of Jacques Lévy’s work. [...]

Pour ne pas confondre vitesse et précipitation…

Emmanuel Ravalet | 04.07.2018

From 90 to 80 kilometers per hour, the maximum speed allowed on part of the French roads has decreased this 1st of July 2018. At the heart of a strong opposition against this measure, this article aims to report, based on scientific knowledge, on speed and its various societal impacts. [...]

Néandertal : Une espèce en voie de disparition ?

Patrick Poncet | 31.05.2018

Is Neanderthal a very real and singular species, who disappeared from the surface of the globe "with" the advent of Homo sapiens, or rather a buffer category of human paleontology, originally useful to the progress of this science, especially to define Sapiens, but whose obsolescence was epistemologically programmed and which arrives today at the end of its scientific life ? [...]

Au risque de la dystopie.

Guillaume Drevon | 04.01.2018

Face à l’incertitude quant aux futures conditions d’existence de l’humanité, de nouvelles manières d’appréhender l’avenir de nos sociétés semblent nécessaires. En mettant de côté les perspectives ouvertes par les utopies heureuses, cet article fait le pari d’une approche dystopique. Cette approche est envisagée comme un catalyseur qui permettrait de poser les jalons des débats public et politique à partir de la mise en perspective des paramètres du scénario de l’inacceptable. [...]

Les vrais enjeux de la voiture autonome.

Vincent Kaufmann | 18.10.2017

Il n’est plus possible d’ouvrir un journal sans que l’on n’y parle de l’avènement très prochain de la voiture autonome ! Le monde occidental semble pris par une forme de frénésie, qui s’apparente à de l’enthousiasme technologique. Google exhibe son modèle, qui roule d’ores et déjà en Californie. Les constructeurs automobiles fournissent des modèles qu’ils disent être en mesure de commercialiser dans cinq ans, pour les plus en avance [...]

Comment exposer les sciences humaines et sociales ?

Jean-Nicolas Fauchille | 12.07.2017

The article is based on two debates, in the context of the 2017 printanières of Three approaches, historical, panoptic contemporary, and theoretical/critical of the notions of exhibition and museum allow to answer properly the following question, by bringing an enthusiastic and optimistic reading grid : how to expose the social sciences ? [...]